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PsyTech VR

We are a software and technology company specializing in developing virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) solutions for mental health therapy, research, and training. Website: Sectors:

Posture AI

Posture AI is a smart posture data analytics & wearable system for the future of work and play to provide more targeted and effective interventions for pain management worldwide. Its ergonomic products are embedded with sensors to monitor and analyze daily posture and gamify postural correction. Website: Sectors: Health/MedTech,Technology/Software


Get a faster vehicle turnaround time and maximizing your business's potential with NexusOps. Streamline your fleet operations for rental, leasing, car share, and second-hand vehicles with our solution. Focused on business-oriented functions, we deliver efficiency and productivity. Website: Sectors: Technology/Software

Mission Space

Mission Space is developing the first private satellite-based space weather nowcast and forecast system to help satellite operators solve the problem of data deficit and lack of warning tools to mitigate the effects of the geomagnetic storms and coronal mass ejections. Website: Sectors: Space