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With Magrid we want to become the one-stop-shop for assessment and training of children with learning disabilities. Website: Sectors: Education/Culture,Health/MedTech


LTS is an educational program aimed at 12-19 years old school students who are passionate about the digital realm and eager to learn ...


LouvignyMedia is a fully integrated global media and communication company. LouvignyMedia edits media, produce films and publish books in the field of history. Website: ...


LetzTrail's aim is to bring a single solution for outdoor activities to bring all the actors together and grow user satisfaction, tourism and ...


Jobfirst allows candidates to create a free digital professional profile highlighting their skills, behaviours and a video presentation. Our mission is to create ...


The ICFA is a unique multi-year programme that accelerates emerging fund managers focusing on key areas within climate action and social impact. Our ...